
We build digital solutions for core operations in high demanding industries.
Whyyy collaboration
We help companies not just to go digital, but to act digital.

Digital transformation

Do you have time consuming manual processes? Do you rely extensively on excel and or other handheld solutions? Are crucial information lost in your workflows?

We believe that digital transformation is about so much more than new technology. It is about leveraging the existing organisational capabilities with the help of digital tools.

Digitising the organisation

Ultimately we believe that digitalisation is about people. The purpose of any digital initiative should never arise from technology, but rather from the human beings inside an organisation.

Digital tools enable you to automate processes, measure previously unmeasurable aspects of business and utilise information to optimise workflows. We can help you improve business performance and optimise your current workflows through better data and digital solutions.

”The solution enables our administrative staff to handle 50% more customer enquiries than previously.”

Managing Director, Global Component MRO-Business
Man in orange vest working in factory

Core operations

We are specialised in building digital solutions to optimise our customers’ operations. Our solutions focus on optimisation in the following areas:
Supply chain
Customer service
Planning & logistics

"The organisation has welcomed the solution and our employees see a positive change in their work processes."

Managing Director, Global Component MRO-Business
Custom digital solutions

Stand-alone solution

Our customers products and services are unique and complex, resulting in a need for tailor made solutions. That's why we focus on making software that fits the individual needs of the particular organisation in terms of e.g. scope, usability, procedural requirements and security. In developing our solutions, we always make sure to account for future business needs, which means that the solution scales with your organisation, when markets and industries develop over time.

Person using Estaid on computer.

“The product has been built to allow scale, making it very future proof for our business.“

Daniel Tewfik, Senior Project Manager, Pears Global Real Estate Denmark
Whyyy solution as dynamic add on to ERP system
Custom digital solutions

Dynamic add-on to your ERP system

We also have extensive experience in creating dynamic add-ons to ERP systems. Many of our clients does not get full supported end to end through their otherwise solid ERP systems. This results in decreased business performance and handheld solutions. In these scenarios it is worth exploring if a dynamic ERP add-on could address the need. You keep ERP robustness and security, while utilising the dynamic and flexible nature in an add-on. Many organisations experience great business value and extended ERP lifetime through dynamic add-ons.


Whyyy has expertise and domain knowledge in the following industries.

“Whyyy has great expertise in using technology and digitization to optimize, streamline and make things better.”

Irha Luijk, General Manager, Marshall Netherlands BV


Expertise in Whyyy
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Whyyy bring extensive business insight into every client interaction. We always strive to understand our clients businesses inside out so we can create the biggest possible impact through our solutions. This goes for both overall strategic priorities as well as daily operational challenges. That way a more holistic image emerges and we know exactly how possible solutions will impact the organisation at large.
Icon software development in Whyyy


Development of software in Whyyy leverages the benefits of simplicity and customization, by having an ever-growing library of components to re-use throughout projetcs, while freeing up time to develop customized components. This enables fast development of complex systems while keeping security at a high level. Developers in Whyyy also participate actively in workshops and communication with clients, to keep technological consequeses in mind.
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In Whyyy our designers take an active part in the entire process from initial workshops to final deployment. Their ability to understand complex challenges and processes as well as their knowledge of usability enables them to create smart solutions for the clients we work with.
Trusted by leading companies